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Celestial Greetings šŸ™Ā 

I have allowed myself sometime to join this very seemingly interesting Forum, To have interactions, I have been reading the many topics, as a Guest for a longtime. I have noticed that there a a core group of Members, that Frequent TGC, I feel I have a lot of Wisdom to share so please feel free to ask me anything, I may even predict your Future.

Understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned.

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Thank you @david1111Ā for your warm welcome, I see you areĀ a Man who holds Power in TGC. Sadly i cannot help you in your question, as you know very very well, In the majority of cases No good will come to those, who go from having little to lots in a short space of time, I can however help you with any soul searching questions you would like me to answer.Ā 

Understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned





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39 minutes ago, Nostradamus said:

Celestial Greetings šŸ™Ā 

I have allowed myself sometime to join this very seemingly interesting Forum, To have interactions, I have been reading the many topics, as a Guest for a longtime. I have noticed that there a a core group of Members, that Frequent TGC, I feel I have a lot of Wisdom to share so please feel free to ask me anything, I may even predict your Future.

Understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned.

Welcome back Adam or The GnomeĀ 

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Good Afternoon @1pstakerĀ thank you for your warm welcome, Like @david1111Ā I see also your a Man of power within these sacred grounds.

I know not of who you speak? Are there any of the Worlds Mysteries you would like me to answer?


Understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned

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11 minutes ago, Chair Slots said:


Greetings @Chair SlotsĀ I hope i find your well and content in your life?

Have you perhaps any life questions you would like me to possibly answer for you?


Understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned.

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5 minutes ago, Jok3st3r said:

Welcome to TGC @NostradamusĀ I feel like you may have been a member before. Ā :thinking_face:

Do you like pens?Ā 

Hello @Jok3st3rĀ I am indeed blessed with all these welcomes from, the higher echelons of TGC from my reckoning, that is all the Moderator's, that have shown the outstretched hand, I thank you.

In answer to your question, I feel šŸ–Š are a wonderful thing, sadly my prediction is there will be a thing that reside, in museums within a few short years, much like there predecessors the scribe and quill.

Do you like pens @Jok3st3r?


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9 minutes ago, MrUKHackz said:

What is greater than God, more evil thanĀ the Devil, rich people need it, poor people have it and if you eat it you'll die?

Nothing. Nothing is greater than God, nothing is more evil than the devil, the poor have nothing, the rich need nothing and if you eat nothing youā€™ll die.

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4 minutes ago, The_Guests said:

hello and welcomeĀ @Nostradamus, can you tell me when @DenmanĀ will post his next horse selection please? the guests are getting desperate to put some food on the table during this cost of living crisisĀ 

Hello @The_GuestsĀ thank you for your warm welcome, In answer to your question re @DenmanĀ in my readings of this particular Man, he seems somewhat aloof, I notice he is not such a part of TGC much as he was before, beingĀ @NostradamusĀ I am obviously aware of the reasoning behind this, Fear not a Man of such tact and intelligence and self worth will im sure, throw you some crumbs from his guilded cage, at somepoint in the future.


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2 minutes ago, Bangers said:

You sound very familiarĀ 

If I'm bored tonight I'll still go along with shitĀ Ā 

Hello @BangersĀ another one of the main TGC players, Its like all the Cream is coming to the top.

I look forward to your questions when you decide im worthy of "playing along with"Ā  I will for my part promise not to attempt to compete in your many many many random posts.


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2 minutes ago, Nostradamus said:

Hello @BangersĀ another one of the main TGC players, Its like all the Cream is coming to the top.

I look forward to your questions when you decide im worthy of "playing along with"Ā  I will for my part promise not to attempt to compete in your many many many random posts.


I'm a big deal on this siteĀ 

Very much lovedĀ 

It's a natural gift I haveĀ 

And on the days I did actually attend school they always said I'd never amount to anything,Ā  they said Id be nothing more than a shit4brains wasterĀ 

Well look at me nowĀ 

I feel I had the last laugh and would love to return to that very schoolĀ 

Sadly it burnt to the ground but I was found Not guilty for that.Ā 

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