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The Ukraine situation


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I don't know where this will end up but we seem determined to poke the bear and you know what happens if you poke too hard, they attack.

Just one nuke will change the world as we all know it, that's for sure.

It was a close run thing with the Cuban missile crisis and if tensions are close to that it is a huge worry.

We can only hope that in a moderately civilised society they will all see sense


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2 hours ago, david1111 said:

I don't know where this will end up but we seem determined to poke the bear and you know what happens if you poke too hard, they attack.

Just one nuke will change the world as we all know it, that's for sure.

It was a close run thing with the Cuban missile crisis and if tensions are close to that it is a huge worry.

We can only hope that in a moderately civilised society they will all see sense


It’s a difficult situation.. you either face up to the tyrannous dictatorships of Russia, North Korea and Iran or back down in fear of being in the crosshairs of nuclear catastrophe. The Baltic states have been rowing with each other for years yet we as the UK seem to keep sticking our fucking beaks into every global conflict. The UK needs to accept they no longer rule the waves and shut the fuck up.

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17 minutes ago, Blacko said:

It’s a difficult situation.. you either face up to the tyrannous dictatorships of Russia, North Korea and Iran or back down in fear of being in the crosshairs of nuclear catastrophe. The Baltic states have been rowing with each other for years yet we as the UK seem to keep sticking our fucking beaks into every global conflict. The UK needs to accept they no longer rule the waves and shut the fuck up.

Russia is a huge country  but it only has a population of 145 million or so with many of them a long way from Moscow  and I am sure that some of the former USSR states would  happily put the boot in if given the chance, not too mention China looking at a land grab to put people on if it suited them.   The fact that China economy has expanded so much over last decade and it is still not the largest in the world shows how far things have fallen behind there, Russia was a major country at the end of the 19th century and has fallen way behind living standards of the rest of Europe though as with many countries at that time there was an awful lot of poverty.   Iran has fallen a long way behind many countries in the Middle east after being run by the Ayatollahs.  The UK has squandered its oil riches    and though it is still  a large economy I can see it falling a way down the pecking order in years to come.  Like you say the UK politicians need to accept that we are not as relevant as we once were and stop acting  like we are. Successive govts have undermined the Armed forces with the numbers nowadays being far too low  and despite the PM continuing to back Ukraine they have announced further cuts in recent days.  World Power is moving from the West to the East  because most in the West want a very soft life compared to their ancestor  and crazily the illegal immigrants are rushing here.

One has to hope that if push comes to shove that the people who have to launch the weapons  that could cause devastation will not do it as happened in the past  but  at the end of the day it is only a deterrent if the other side believes you will use it.

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