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Has anyone actually managed to stop gambling?


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Hi All,

I’ve been gambling my pay cheques since 16.. I’m nearing the 30 year mark not so far away and I’m still losing the majority of my pay cheque every single month.

I can’t count the amount of times I said I’m going to stop gambling. Blow my wages in a few days, promise never to do it again. 25 days without gambling as have no money, payday comes and I’m straight back to it. 

I might be in the wrong place to be asking this, but has anyone actually managed to stop gambling? My life would be so much better without it. I have debts, every unexpected cost no matter how big or small fucks me because I gamble everything and don’t plan for anything.


It’s exhausting, I’m willing to try anything to totally kick this habit. I’m not after handouts just advice, how can I sort my life out and totally give up? It seems you can gamble everywhere, even if they don’t call it gambling. I’ve been on GamStop for over a year now, but I’ve turned to leveraged crypto trading instead and I’m in a worse position now than I’ve ever been. 

I guess this post is more a cry for help and advice before things do get worse, almost 14 years of my life doing this and it’s numbing and I’m not sure what the point is. 

Would love to hear some success stories and how you managed it.



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Why do you gamble bud? Is it in hopes of a big win to pay off your debts? Avoid other issues in your life? Are you just addicted to the rush? Try n figure out why you gamble and then work at replacing what gambling gives you from something else. If you can I'd try n tell your nearest and dearest, maybe they can help you manage your money while you start off. 

Thing is you are only going to stop when you truly want to. I've been there a hundred times right after doing my balls in telling myself, 'that's it, I'm stopping.' only to be playing again the next day, week or month. 

Just remember you can do it but if you are going to then you have to fully commit no matter how hard that might be. Half arse it and you'll be doing your balls in again next month.

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1 hour ago, JackD said:

Hi All,

I’ve been gambling my pay cheques since 16.. I’m nearing the 30 year mark not so far away and I’m still losing the majority of my pay cheque every single month.

I can’t count the amount of times I said I’m going to stop gambling. Blow my wages in a few days, promise never to do it again. 25 days without gambling as have no money, payday comes and I’m straight back to it. 

I might be in the wrong place to be asking this, but has anyone actually managed to stop gambling? My life would be so much better without it. I have debts, every unexpected cost no matter how big or small fucks me because I gamble everything and don’t plan for anything.


It’s exhausting, I’m willing to try anything to totally kick this habit. I’m not after handouts just advice, how can I sort my life out and totally give up? It seems you can gamble everywhere, even if they don’t call it gambling. I’ve been on GamStop for over a year now, but I’ve turned to leveraged crypto trading instead and I’m in a worse position now than I’ve ever been. 

I guess this post is more a cry for help and advice before things do get worse, almost 14 years of my life doing this and it’s numbing and I’m not sure what the point is. 

Would love to hear some success stories and how you managed it.



if you cant control gambling then you are addicted...try to change the way you gamble good luck

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I quit smoking back in 2012 after many failed attempts at quitting, lost count how many times before that Id go 4 or 5 months then something would trigger me and Id light up a cigarette, think I was a smoker for about 31 ish years but always feel now with anything that your only really winning the battle when you pass that one year mark, I got right into my fitness when I quit, it was hard as hell at times but never looked back, still surprises a few people now that I've went this long, even the smell of a cigarette makes me feel sick and it's something Id never go back to.

Gave up dirty women too, that was an easy one but gambling is a different story my friend,  had friends point out that they can't understand why I was able to give up the smoking and the dirty girls along with the devils dandruff but can't shake the gambling, the answer to that is simple.

I just don't fecking know,  gambling is the only thing that gets me high,  watching that horse hit the front in that ALL IN bet for me that buzz can't be beat, did mess about and still do now and again with roulette but you need control on that game, the biggest buzz I ever got in gambling was a few crazy stake spins on the wheel,  silly stake bets on Red or Black, that game to me really is Russian roulette, gun at head and click for a great few months future or rock bottom. 

30 isn't old so you still have time 

I mind saying that myself, said it again at 40 

Said it again at 50 

Maybe we're just wired different and seek a little danger, I know I love the edge but I don't jump as much as I did, risky gambling or drinking or drugs gets everyone in the end,  we're all just passing through. 

Kurt Cobain once said ...............'' It's better to burn out than fade away''

Yeh . No shit. 

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11 hours ago, JackD said:

Hi All,

I’ve been gambling my pay cheques since 16.. I’m nearing the 30 year mark not so far away and I’m still losing the majority of my pay cheque every single month.

I can’t count the amount of times I said I’m going to stop gambling. Blow my wages in a few days, promise never to do it again. 25 days without gambling as have no money, payday comes and I’m straight back to it. 

I might be in the wrong place to be asking this, but has anyone actually managed to stop gambling? My life would be so much better without it. I have debts, every unexpected cost no matter how big or small fucks me because I gamble everything and don’t plan for anything.


It’s exhausting, I’m willing to try anything to totally kick this habit. I’m not after handouts just advice, how can I sort my life out and totally give up? It seems you can gamble everywhere, even if they don’t call it gambling. I’ve been on GamStop for over a year now, but I’ve turned to leveraged crypto trading instead and I’m in a worse position now than I’ve ever been. 

I guess this post is more a cry for help and advice before things do get worse, almost 14 years of my life doing this and it’s numbing and I’m not sure what the point is. 

Would love to hear some success stories and how you managed it.



I've heard plenty of success stories and know loads of people that have managed to quit, even a couple where even I thought there was no real hope so you can definitely do it!

One guy I speak to said that he could never imagine walking past a bookies and not go in it even if he was with his family and kids, he'd make up a lie about forgetting something or wanting to go to a different shop but instead would sneak back to the bookies. He's now been gamble free for 3 years and now can't imagine ever wasting another penny again on those machines.

You have to REALLY want to quit and strong willpower is good but putting as many blocks in place as possible seems to really help. Like you've already done stick on gamstop, can you put a family member or someone you trust in charge of your finances?, if your bank has the feature then get it to block gambling transactions and if it doesn't maybe join a bank that has it, close the crypto sites, seek extra support from groups, speak to family as I'm sure they'd want to help. 

You're not even 30 yet, don't waste another 10 years and wish you'd done this at 30. Fresh start mate!

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like Paul said, If you have a girlfriend\wife\boyfriend maybe try to get them access to your bank account and let them manage your money or It could be any family member you trust. I think the best way is to restrict the money somehow. You will have to be strong, maybe try to find a hobby so your mind will be somewhere else.
You can also seek professional help Its nothing to be ashamed of.

It will all come down to you though, how much will power you have and how much you want to quit.

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Obviously its easy to spend £100 in ten minutes online, or in the bookies , and the lure of easy money is real , so as a gambler with vast experience ,I would give you the following advice.

1. Keep your bank accounts separate from your gambling account.

2. Set deposit Limits.

3. Eat properly .

4 walk in nature and change your lifestyle.

5. rest between days of gambling , so that you do not lose your whole bankroll in one go.

6. Pay all your bills as soon as you get paid . 

7. Share your problem with those who love you . Let them help you control your finance. 

8. Never chase ...... its a bad move .

9. don't stay up all night gambling , you will need your energy for work.


11. recognise you are the Problem ,and you are the solution.

12 . if gambling is controlling your life then either take a prolonged break , or GAMSTOP ASAP

13 . don't blame yourself . Regret nothing -- just make decisions that improve the quality of your life.

This is a copy of an answer I gave for this problem to another member !!


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3 minutes ago, Solario333 said:

Obviously its easy to spend £100 in ten minutes online, or in the bookies , and the lure of easy money is real , so as a gambler with vast experience ,I would give you the following advice.

1. Keep your bank accounts separate from your gambling account.

2. Set deposit Limits.

3. Eat properly .

4 walk in nature and change your lifestyle.

5. rest between days of gambling , so that you do not lose your whole bankroll in one go.

6. Pay all your bills as soon as you get paid . 

7. Share your problem with those who love you . Let them help you control your finance. 

8. Never chase ...... its a bad move .

9. don't stay up all night gambling , you will need your energy for work.


11. recognise you are the Problem ,and you are the solution.

12 . if gambling is controlling your life then either take a prolonged break , or GAMSTOP ASAP

13 . don't blame yourself . Regret nothing -- just make decisions that improve the quality of your life.

This is a copy of an answer I gave for this problem to another member !!


I've laminated that and put it on my bog door 

All wise words from a major Tinkerholic 

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15 hours ago, JackD said:

Hi All,

I’ve been gambling my pay cheques since 16.. I’m nearing the 30 year mark not so far away and I’m still losing the majority of my pay cheque every single month.

I can’t count the amount of times I said I’m going to stop gambling. Blow my wages in a few days, promise never to do it again. 25 days without gambling as have no money, payday comes and I’m straight back to it. 

I might be in the wrong place to be asking this, but has anyone actually managed to stop gambling? My life would be so much better without it. I have debts, every unexpected cost no matter how big or small fucks me because I gamble everything and don’t plan for anything.


It’s exhausting, I’m willing to try anything to totally kick this habit. I’m not after handouts just advice, how can I sort my life out and totally give up? It seems you can gamble everywhere, even if they don’t call it gambling. I’ve been on GamStop for over a year now, but I’ve turned to leveraged crypto trading instead and I’m in a worse position now than I’ve ever been. 

I guess this post is more a cry for help and advice before things do get worse, almost 14 years of my life doing this and it’s numbing and I’m not sure what the point is. 

Would love to hear some success stories and how you managed it.



really wanting to change your habits and putting in the effort to do so is what will count in your success.   I used to spend whole days from opening to close in betting shops when i was younger and spent a lot of time   gambling  in many different forms.   

You are on Gamstop so that is a start but you need to close your crypto trading account immediately.  You then need to set about paying your debts the minute you get paid so the money is not there to gamble with  and to tempt you.   You need to fill your freezer etc and have money for food and any socialising travel etc  that you will need until your next pay cheque but use the rest to start reducing your debt.  I suggest trying to pay off the smallest creditor first  whilst still paying others as needed as you will get a feel good factor  from removing a debt from your life and knowing you have a path to removing  them all.   Try and remove high interest debt  such as credit card borrowings  and cut up your cards to stop you spending on them saving perhaps one for emergencies which you could get  a close family member to hold onto for you .  It may be worth your while if you have very large debts to approach a debt counselling service as they will be in the best position to advise.

It will be very hard at the beginning  but as with all addictions the longer you can go  without the better it is for your life in the long run.   The earlier you start  the sooner you will be in a better place.   try and also find something to do which you can fill your time whether exercise /learning / hobby   so that it will help to stop the urge to gamble.

I wish you all the best and hope you manage to find the way that will work for you.

You will also find a thread  I think it was Anton who managed  to quit and has now even managed to set up his own business  somewhere on the site.  Come on here when you need to and people will attempt to  support and advise the best we can



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@philinvicta  Great post -- especially ...


I suggest trying to pay off the smallest creditor first  whilst still paying others as needed as you will get a feel good factor  from removing a debt from your life and knowing you have a path to removing  them all.   Try and remove high interest debt  such as credit card borrowings  and cut up your cards to stop you spending on them saving perhaps one for emergencies which you could get  a close family member to hold onto for you .

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Thanks for all the comments, I’m not sure how to reply to them individually but I appreciate it. 

I’m starting fresh today and hopefully this time I mean it when I say no more gambling. I’ve spent all day going through my bank accounts, credit cards, loan accounts etc and I currently owe £33k. That’s crazy, I should have been saving instead of wasting! I need to get my life back on track.

What people have said regarding close friends/family helping, I’m sure like a lot of people I’ve kept it secret from everyone. No one knows and the pressure is really getting to me. I don’t want to turn to them in a depressed, desperate state. I’m going to get out of this myself. £33k is less than 3 years if I can pay off a grand a month instead of throwing it away gambling. 

Honestly ALLL my accounts are getting deleted. As I pay off my loans, credit cards and over drafts they’re getting cancelled each time too. 

Does anyone know of any virtual support groups, or is there any discord channels with like minded people? It could be good to make sure I stay on track. £33k doesn’t sound like much compared to the crazy wins and huge gains I’m seeing online from people, but it’s life changing for me. It’s the difference between my partner, family and friends finding out and hating me or being able to carry on with a normal life. I won’t let it get to a stage where others find out.

20/10/2021, £33k debt. I’m going todo whatever I can to reduce this and make a promise not to gamble in any form again at all, whether that be casino, slots, bookies, trading, cryptos etc.

Wish me luck, if anyone has any ideas of how to make an extra income online I’d love to hear about it.

Just typing this out is making me feel better, I’ve not had anyone to speak to about any of this for so long, sounds crazy but I’m actually getting emotional. Hope no one else finds them self in my shoes with no way out. This is my last chance 


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1 hour ago, JackD said:

Thanks for all the comments, I’m not sure how to reply to them individually but I appreciate it. 

I’m starting fresh today and hopefully this time I mean it when I say no more gambling. I’ve spent all day going through my bank accounts, credit cards, loan accounts etc and I currently owe £33k. That’s crazy, I should have been saving instead of wasting! I need to get my life back on track.

What people have said regarding close friends/family helping, I’m sure like a lot of people I’ve kept it secret from everyone. No one knows and the pressure is really getting to me. I don’t want to turn to them in a depressed, desperate state. I’m going to get out of this myself. £33k is less than 3 years if I can pay off a grand a month instead of throwing it away gambling. 

Honestly ALLL my accounts are getting deleted. As I pay off my loans, credit cards and over drafts they’re getting cancelled each time too. 

Does anyone know of any virtual support groups, or is there any discord channels with like minded people? It could be good to make sure I stay on track. £33k doesn’t sound like much compared to the crazy wins and huge gains I’m seeing online from people, but it’s life changing for me. It’s the difference between my partner, family and friends finding out and hating me or being able to carry on with a normal life. I won’t let it get to a stage where others find out.

20/10/2021, £33k debt. I’m going todo whatever I can to reduce this and make a promise not to gamble in any form again at all, whether that be casino, slots, bookies, trading, cryptos etc.

Wish me luck, if anyone has any ideas of how to make an extra income online I’d love to hear about it.

Just typing this out is making me feel better, I’ve not had anyone to speak to about any of this for so long, sounds crazy but I’m actually getting emotional. Hope no one else finds them self in my shoes with no way out. This is my last chance 


If you are to succeed in such a commendable intention then you will need to have something to fill your time . What will you do ??

Hiking , walking , fishing , football, golf , woodwork, music , chess, sports . ..... or other pastimes ??  


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5 hours ago, JackD said:

Thanks for all the comments, I’m not sure how to reply to them individually but I appreciate it. 

I’m starting fresh today and hopefully this time I mean it when I say no more gambling. I’ve spent all day going through my bank accounts, credit cards, loan accounts etc and I currently owe £33k. That’s crazy, I should have been saving instead of wasting! I need to get my life back on track.

What people have said regarding close friends/family helping, I’m sure like a lot of people I’ve kept it secret from everyone. No one knows and the pressure is really getting to me. I don’t want to turn to them in a depressed, desperate state. I’m going to get out of this myself. £33k is less than 3 years if I can pay off a grand a month instead of throwing it away gambling. 

Honestly ALLL my accounts are getting deleted. As I pay off my loans, credit cards and over drafts they’re getting cancelled each time too. 

Does anyone know of any virtual support groups, or is there any discord channels with like minded people? It could be good to make sure I stay on track. £33k doesn’t sound like much compared to the crazy wins and huge gains I’m seeing online from people, but it’s life changing for me. It’s the difference between my partner, family and friends finding out and hating me or being able to carry on with a normal life. I won’t let it get to a stage where others find out.

20/10/2021, £33k debt. I’m going todo whatever I can to reduce this and make a promise not to gamble in any form again at all, whether that be casino, slots, bookies, trading, cryptos etc.

Wish me luck, if anyone has any ideas of how to make an extra income online I’d love to hear about it.

Just typing this out is making me feel better, I’ve not had anyone to speak to about any of this for so long, sounds crazy but I’m actually getting emotional. Hope no one else finds them self in my shoes with no way out. This is my last chance 


m8 first pay all your bills, close your credit card account and tell them to set up your min pay..order food online till the next payday, keep some cash for an emergency, join Gym, and if you have any money left gamble min bet 20p 30p... you never make money from gambling if you can't control it... good luck p.s. we all got addicted at some point..but longer you gamble more you control it


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The big problem, u can stop gambling to casino easily, but like 100% you switch to smth different, like sports betting, drugs, alcholols, trading, crypto trading etd... 1000 dif things, u need to find problem why u gamble, what u don't have and what u need, gambling is not the reason, is consequence

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I haven’t deposited or gambled a penny since making this post.

After reading the responses, I believe I gamble to pay off my debts quickly, although it obviously never goes to plan and makes things worse. That and maybe boredom when alone, I’m going to look into some cheap time consuming hobbies to take up, if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. 

I know I have a £220 deficit coming by the end of the month, I don’t get paid again before my bills come out and I’m at -£220 from them.. I have about £500 in my account now and need £700 to cover it. This is when I’d usually turn to gambling to get the extra.. I’m not going to do that this time! Im either a) going to take the hit on my credit file (which is really shit) or b) try and make £200 somehow in the next week.

Not sure if anyone is following this post anymore but thanks for giving me a place to talk/vent!

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1 hour ago, JackD said:

I haven’t deposited or gambled a penny since making this post.

After reading the responses, I believe I gamble to pay off my debts quickly, although it obviously never goes to plan and makes things worse. That and maybe boredom when alone, I’m going to look into some cheap time consuming hobbies to take up, if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. 

I know I have a £220 deficit coming by the end of the month, I don’t get paid again before my bills come out and I’m at -£220 from them.. I have about £500 in my account now and need £700 to cover it. This is when I’d usually turn to gambling to get the extra.. I’m not going to do that this time! Im either a) going to take the hit on my credit file (which is really shit) or b) try and make £200 somehow in the next week.

Not sure if anyone is following this post anymore but thanks for giving me a place to talk/vent!

just accept the shortfall  as if you try and win the extra you need you will likely end up a lot more short as I sure experience has told you.   Just take it one step at a time

Well done on not  gambling   the longer you go without  the easier it will become 

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On 20/10/2021 at 16:11, JackD said:

Thanks for all the comments, I’m not sure how to reply to them individually but I appreciate it. 

I’m starting fresh today and hopefully this time I mean it when I say no more gambling. I’ve spent all day going through my bank accounts, credit cards, loan accounts etc and I currently owe £33k. That’s crazy, I should have been saving instead of wasting! I need to get my life back on track.

What people have said regarding close friends/family helping, I’m sure like a lot of people I’ve kept it secret from everyone. No one knows and the pressure is really getting to me. I don’t want to turn to them in a depressed, desperate state. I’m going to get out of this myself. £33k is less than 3 years if I can pay off a grand a month instead of throwing it away gambling. 

Honestly ALLL my accounts are getting deleted. As I pay off my loans, credit cards and over drafts they’re getting cancelled each time too. 

Does anyone know of any virtual support groups, or is there any discord channels with like minded people? It could be good to make sure I stay on track. £33k doesn’t sound like much compared to the crazy wins and huge gains I’m seeing online from people, but it’s life changing for me. It’s the difference between my partner, family and friends finding out and hating me or being able to carry on with a normal life. I won’t let it get to a stage where others find out.

20/10/2021, £33k debt. I’m going todo whatever I can to reduce this and make a promise not to gamble in any form again at all, whether that be casino, slots, bookies, trading, cryptos etc.

Wish me luck, if anyone has any ideas of how to make an extra income online I’d love to hear about it.

Just typing this out is making me feel better, I’ve not had anyone to speak to about any of this for so long, sounds crazy but I’m actually getting emotional. Hope no one else finds them self in my shoes with no way out. This is my last chance 


I'll say this in all honesty,  you need to tell your family or someone close about your situation. Swallow your pride and tell them the situation.

Trying to do this all on your own is going to firstly fry your mental health and secondly you are only accountable to yourself, its very easy to start gambling again when only you know about the problem. Give some transparency to your parents about your finances and suddenly it becomes a lot harder to gamble without them knowing.

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The only way to stop im my opinion is just to fall out of love with the game 

I've not tried to quit or anything but the past few months I've just not been putting any time into it

Just started gambling for the past 2 weeks and cant stop winning sods law ent it, when you really balls deep and need it the wins dont wanna come

Have a break lad 

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We are going to support you to get out of this situation ... in this forum there are very good people and I guarantee that many of them were in the hole of shit and have been able to gamble responsibly or leave it permanently. I can give you some advice ...

-for you to return to normal, you have to take the situation seriously and commit to stop gambling, accept that you have a problem and communicate it to your friends, family ...

- Do not torture your life with lost money ... you are already lost ... money is important but if you lose your health and your life then money is useless.

- once you have progress on your change..you have to write it in the forum..like a book diary..we will look at it carefully.

-do not cheat .. if you have bet again you also have to say so

 - Take the advice that other friends gave you on how to reverse your financial situation ... card payments..amortize the first day of your work payment and thus you will not have any money left to bet ..

- If you have a bad day .. discuss .. drink alcohol .. do not gamble .. remember that you have a commitment with us ..

- if you can't control when you bet better don't bet ever again..gamstop .. You will only live once and there are other things to do.

Good luck friend.

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Same situation as you, OP. 30k + in debt, gambled all my disposable income. Some good days, some bad days. Lots of credit (Loans / cards) used to fuel gambling.

I signed up to Gamstop and been gamble-free since January. Now debt-free. All of my disposable income goes into stocks / crypto (Still kinda like gambling though). Hobbies are under-rated, I gambled mostly when bored. Having things to do that you can focus on rather than thinking about scatters and wilds isn't just part of a healthy gambling addiction rehab, but also part of becoming the best version of yourself.

You can do this, good luck!

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On 23/10/2021 at 10:02, JackD said:

I haven’t deposited or gambled a penny since making this post.

After reading the responses, I believe I gamble to pay off my debts quickly, although it obviously never goes to plan and makes things worse. That and maybe boredom when alone, I’m going to look into some cheap time consuming hobbies to take up, if anyone has any suggestions that would be great. 

I know I have a £220 deficit coming by the end of the month, I don’t get paid again before my bills come out and I’m at -£220 from them.. I have about £500 in my account now and need £700 to cover it. This is when I’d usually turn to gambling to get the extra.. I’m not going to do that this time! Im either a) going to take the hit on my credit file (which is really shit) or b) try and make £200 somehow in the next week.

Not sure if anyone is following this post anymore but thanks for giving me a place to talk/vent!

You can call your creditors and let them know your situation. A lot of them will work with you to delay a payment or reduce interest 

It will give you some breathing space and you'll feel better knowing you have done something to tackle the problem. 

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