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We are blessed in the United kingdom that we have a tolerant and forgiving society. Sometimes our tolerance is taken for weakness . We have endured years of political farce and obdurate cynicism from our political leaders , whose selfish and narrow perspective has cast a shadow on our daily lives . Now we strive to put it behind us and our leaders will test the nation again... As we approach the Christmas we each deserve let us give a thought for those who have nothing ,and give freely to help those who cannot help themselves. Of course we shall not help those whose sole aim in life s simply to bleed us dry , but we will indeed help those whose misfortune is the result of calamity , not indifference. The world is now entering uncharted waters and the chaos of Brexit is far from over ,as Europe will no doubt find some other ways of delaying our eventual departure. Here on TGC we are sheltered from the worst of the political nightmare by living in a different area of choice and may move forward in 2020 regardless of external influences. Our Influences are the day to day happenings and events that make us what we are today. A diverse and life experienced group of kind individuals who seek to make life just a little better by sharing our days together. This is a unique and beneficial arrangement when applied through consent , but lapses from time to time into degenerate and personal attacks which make us less worthy of our intent. Let us try in 2020 to have a more harmonious approach to each other and continue the fun and banter that has been so ably created by our many members ,who look for the better , not for the worse, in each thread. This forum has had a great year , and 2020 will be much better , for we are learning how to live in peace, despite our differences. We become so much stronger through our differences than through our divisions. I send you all the Love in the world and hope you all have a wonderful christmas , and a beautiful New Year.